System Explanations
I understand you may be confused, scared, lost, or zoned out; you may have no idea what’s going on, you may not know where you are, or you may even not know your own name.All of that is perfectly ok and normal. This card is designed to help you navigate all of that, and set you on your path with a better understanding of what’s going on.If you need help calming down, please click the button below labeled “Calming Exercises,” and come back when you feel a bit better.When you’re ready, please click the Home Button below to get a better grasp on your situation.
Table of Contents
• New Alter
Click this if you don’t know where you are, what’s going on, or what a system is.• Dormancy
Click this if you just woke up and everything is different; you recognize that you’re still in the body you were in before, or you know what a system is, you just don’t know what’s going on now.• Introjects
Click this if you remember a life outside of this body, a world much different than this one, or you see yourself on a screen/in a book and are very confused.• System Terminology
Click this to learn more about system roles and terms.• Names Masterlist
Click this to access a giant list of names, including their gender, language origin, and meaning. New alters may find this useful in discovering themselves.• Pronouns Masterlist
Click this to access a giant list of pronouns, including neopronouns and full conjugations. New alters may find this useful in discovering themselves.• Gender Masterlist
Click this to access a giant list of genders, including an explanation and their flag(s). New alters may find this useful in discovering themselves.• Orientation Masterlist
Click this to access a giant list of romantic/sexual/amorous orientations, including an explanation and their flag(s). New alters may find this useful in discovering themselves.
New Alter Help
You must be very confused and disoriented. Don’t worry, you’re safe.You are in what’s called a system. A system, in basic terms, is a group of people that share one body. This happens when a child goes through a lot of horrible things when they’re around 6-9 years old. The brain splits itself into multiple in order to cope, and those then grow into full people whose job is to protect the body and each other. You are one of these people, who are called alters. You either were created from that childhood trauma, or trauma and stress that happened later in life. You’re not alone, though- this happens about as often as someone is born with red hair.Now, that’s the basic explanation of systemhood. The more formal explanation is that you are an alter within a DID or OSDD 1 system. As such, you share a human body with multiple people. DID and OSDD are developed due to repeated childhood trauma between the ages of 6-9. You could’ve been split during this developmental trauma, or from later trauma/stress. Your job as an alter, and the job of your headmates, is to protect the body you share and protect each other. You’re not alone in this experience though- Studies suggest that DID is diagnosed within 1-3% of the population, the same ratio as those with naturally ginger hair. This doesn’t even take into consideration OSDD 1 systems or undiagnosed systems, so that number is likely much higher.If you’re wondering where you are or what today’s date is, click the button below for more information. For more general information, you live on the planet/world Earth, in the year 2024, and the body you now live in is human.
Dormancy Help
Welcome Back!
You may feel confused and disoriented, and that’s ok. You’re safe now.You just woke up from what is called dormancy, where you were inactive in the system for an extended period of time. This happens often to systems and alters, so don’t be too alarmed.A lot may have changed since you were last active, or not much could’ve changed at all. It’s best if you do your own research, and ask your headmates or those close to your system (that know that you’re a system) to fill in the gaps.There’s also a link below that will show you where and when you currently are.
Introject Info
What Are Introjects?
Introjects, simply put, are alters formed based off of character/concept sources outside the brain. They can identify heavily with their source, or not at all, or anywhere along that spectrum.There are two main types of Introjects: Fictives and Factives. Fictives are alters based off of a fictional source like a movie or book character. Factives are alters based off of a real life source, like the body’s bus driver or a childhood pet.A Source is the media from which an introject is formed. Doubles are two or more Introjects of the same media and concept/character. Sourcemates are two or more Introjects of the same source. Some Introjects may be comfortable interacting with doubles and/or sourcemates, while others are not. Some Introjects may have pseudo memories from their source, source memories, while others may not.If you believe you are an introject, that’s valid and ok!